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“Restoring desert bighorn sheep to their native ranges in Texas and ensuring the viability of their habitat”

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Texas/Mexico Border Desert Bighorn Sheep Initiative

International Desert Bighorn Sheep Conservation


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Click here to send a donation toward our mission: to return desert bighorn sheep to all their native ranges in Texas and to ensure the viability of their habitat.

In 1981 a small group of bighorn supporters formed the Texas Chapter of FNAWS (Foundation for North American Wild Sheep) and the Texas Bighorn Society, and began an intense lobbying effort to obtain support for the re-introduction effort in the Texas Legislature and with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. These two groups… Read More

The Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) is a subspecies of Bighorn Sheep that occurs in the desert Southwest regions of the United States and in the northern regions of Mexico. The trinomial of this species commemorates the American naturalist Edward William Nelson. The characteristics and behavior of Desert Bighorn Sheep generally follow those of other Bighorn Sheep, except… Read More

There are many ways to help the Texas Bighorn Society in our mission to restore Bighorn Sheep, wildlife conservation, and the education of future generations. We welcome monetary and professional donations, as well as active participation by members in our Work Projects and Fundraising Events. So roll up your sleeves and let’s get some work done! Click Here
